Tuesday, 23 November 2010

I will get saved but not right now

Sometimes, you come across individuals who know that they need to be saved but they plan to get saved later. There's no hurry and they are enjoying themselves so much at the moment.

Perhaps such have been born into Christian homes, that is, their mother and father are both saved. In any case, they have heard the gospel message and that is a blessing but with it comes tremendous responsibility. To have heard the message of the gospel; to know that you're a sinner, to have heard that there's a God who loves you and that there's a Saviour who died for you; but to have reckoned this knowledge of little importance, to be thinking there's no urgency.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Christianity has been dreamt up to give comfort

It has been said to me that Christianity was just a concept dreamt up years ago to give those who believed in it a certain amount of comfort with regard to what happens after you die.